Finding things to do for small kids in Jakarta outside of malls is challenging but not impossible (as seen here, or here…). Today I am taking you to the quiet street of Jalan Sumenep, to one of my son’s favorite places: the fish market (for aquarium fish).
We have our little routine, which starts with something sweet from Chicory Patisserie, also on Jalan Sumenep, just across the road from the fish market.

Then we cross the street and stop by the orchid nursery to pick up some flowers and greet the caged birds (orchids are around Rp90,000)
And continue our walk through the fish market. It isn’t terribly kid friendly: it’s outdoor (but shaded), some sellers smoke, the path inside the market isn’t exactly great… but it is quite big (we usually spend about 30min there every time), there’s a great variety of fresh and sea water fish (clown fish, sea horses, horseshoe crabs, lion fish…) and the people are lovely as usual.