Where to get frames made in Jakarta? A lot of people recommended Glory Frame in Kemang but they are expensive, in addition to being very far from my home.
If you are in Central Jakarta and need something simple, I can recommend Talenta Indah Frame (next to Epiwalk, Jalan K.H. Mas Mansyur N. 47B, Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat), a small dusty shop on the side of the road. They were cheap and made a good job, but the woman who runs the shop doesn’t speak a word of English and has a limited selection of frames. Both frames cost Rp350,000, while Glory Frame had quoted Rp450,000 for one (artwork is A1 size).

More recently, I tried a framer from Instagram (@Budiartcollection), they did a great job and I didn’t even have to leave my home. I picked a frame from one of their Instagram post, sent them the dimensions of my picture/artwork through Whatsapp (fast response, great English), made the payment through bank transfer and received my frames 1 week later. Overall great service (they offered different wood options, glass vs acrylic) and the price was reasonable, Rp385,000 for both frames including delivery (the drawing is about A1 size).