There is plenty more to read before you move to Jakarta, here’s a collection of English resources you can explore.
Blogs written by expats who have lived in Jakarta

A Journey Bespoke: the exploration of two Australian women, from the best coffee shops to Jakarta’s art scene and much more
Barnaby Robson: a photographers look at Indonesia and useful expat tips
The Expat Housewife an unfiltered account of life as a trailing expat housewife.
Mama and the Big Durian (in French only)
English online newspaper and magazines
Jakarta Post: Jakarta’s main English newspaper
Manual Jakarta: a lifestyle magazine with an impeccably curated selection focusing on food, fashion, arts and culture
Little Steps Asia: a family oriented online magazine
Petit Journal Jakarta (in French only)
And in order to better understand Indonesia, I couldn’t recommend this book more highly: Indonesia Etc by Elizabeth Pisani, an easy and entertaining read full of bright insight.

Are you planning to more to Jakarta? More tips for expat families moving to Jakarta here.